Welcome to StudyGroup

In the face of changing Business scenario what turns out to be the most powerful & determining factors for the next growth opportunities are knowledge & action.

Organisations irrespective of size in the universe need to focus on Human Capital to expedite growth opportunity, making them motivated, focused and better team players to face challenges ahead!!

Study Group's task in this scenario is to script
Success stories from How to's to What to's...


What we do

Being a Human Resource Management Solution entity, the array of services of Study Group include


As a people Management Company, our skills and expertise at Study Group cover a wide range of HR activities, interventions and initiatives. We operate as single entity addressing critical areas of Human Resource Management focusing primarily on Recruitment, Training and Manpower Outsourcing.


Study Group believes in being proactive in developing strategies to deliver which are relevant in the present socio economic and instrumental for corporate governs. In this context Study Group provides corporate training programs. These training programs, workshops and capsules act as a tool to bring about overall growth of the individuals and respective organizations.

Methodology Of Deliverance

In today's highly competitive scenario it is actually very difficult to carve a niche for someone and keep competition way behind. We have endlessly endeavoured to keep to our high set standard so that our credibility in the market of being a reputed consultancy firm stays intact.

Manpower Outsourcing

It is a co-employment relationship between a Client company, outsourcing company and the Employee. The relationship between the Client and the Outsourcing Company is captured in a Client Service Agreement (CSA).





Our associates

Study Group has the privilege of working hand in hand catering to various HR interventions with esteemed organisations like

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